Tuesday, February 28, 2006

And I should tell Allie this, how???

Okay, so yesterday I was ready to be a soccer mom...ready to get Allie into all that I possibly could...and really, I still am. But...when I got to the recreation center yesterday I found out that in order for me to sign Allie up for soccer or tee ball, she has to turn 5 BEFORE August 1st...she will be 5 on August 22nd. What a disappointment. One of Allie's good friends that she stays with at Jill's tried to sign up as well...and her birthday is August 2nd. Madison will be 5 on August 2nd. So, Allie and Madison are going to have to wait until the fall to play. It was sad. All the way home yesterday I wondered to myself, "How in the world am I suppose to break this news to her?" She had her mind set on playing soccer and being on the same team as Jacob and Alivia. Now, I had to break it to her that she was not going to be able to play. When I got home she was in a really good mood. She then broke the news to me by saying, "Mommy I can not be on the soccer team because I am not old enough yet." That broke my heart...she was taking it so good but yet I could sense the disappointment in her voice. I think that it made it much easier for her to know that Madison was in the same boat. Bless her heart. I am glad that she took it well.
Lori made a good point this morning. She said that we should make Madison and Allie some cheerleading outfits so that they can go and be cheerleaders for Jacob and Alivia. That would just be too darn cute. I can see exactly what Allie would do...she would be right in the middle of a cheer and see the ball coming her way...she would wander right out on the field and begin playing with them. Ha. But, hey, the cheerleading outfits would be a good cover!
Just kidding...Thanks for the suggestion Lori! Lora and I will have to get Madison and Allie some uniforms so that they can cheer them on! It will be fun.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Soccer Mom Already?

Okay, so for the last two weeks Allie has been saying the following to me, "Mommy, will you please go and sign me up for the soccer team?". Well, I just thought that this was something fun that she and her playmates were talking about at Miss Jill's so I played it off as if I would sign her up. Well, just last week (Thursday) when I was picking Allie up from Jill's, Allie asked me if I had gone to sign her up yet. I replied to Allie that I had not signed her up yet because it was not time for soccer. Well, lo and behold, I was wrong. Jill spoke up and told me that she had signed Jacob up and Heather had signed Alivia up. How exciting! I then told Allie that I would go and sign her up. She has been so very excited. But, my question is, can this really be happening already? Was it not just day before yesterday that I was pregnant with this child??? Oh my goodness...she is already starting to play sports...and do that whole growing up thing. Don't know what I am going to do...well, besides haul myself to the recreation center after school today and get her signed up! It will be so exciting. I hope that she gets to play on the same team as Jacob and Alivia. I think that she will be heartbroken if she is not on their team. I hope that will not discourage her in playing if she is not on their team. Although, I must say that Allie makes friends with just about any other kid so I know that she would do just fine. Anyway, I just can not believe that it is already that time for me to be thinking about signing her up for sports. I am VERY excited and hope that she plays many different sports. I don't care if I am running her around daily...I want her to be active, having fun, and off the couch! Not that she is "home and on the couch" now, I just don't want that to be a habit she starts. Okay, well, I guess that I will go and sign her up today! Yay!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Allie's Thursday

I am sure that many of you are wondering...well, did she take the gift to Jacob. Well...yes, she did. Jacob's mother and I talked about it today and yesterday. It is so funny. When I went to pick her up today she and Jacob and Alivia were all playing a game. They all play so well together. I wish that Allie could go to kindergarten with Jacob, Alivia, and Madison next year!Allie was blessed today with some hand me downs from a friend at school, Michelle. Her little girl, Christine, is 7 and has grown out of lots of clothes. Michelle and Christine were going through some of her clothes so that they could bring them to Allie. They had already given Allie a beautiful purple coat for the winter...which Allie has worn like crazy. She loves it and it is sooo warm. When Allie saw the bag of clothes in the car, she flipped out. She could not keep herself still all the way home. She wanted to be in those clothes and checking them out! When we walked through the door the first thing she did was take all of the clothes out of the bag and look at every piece so closely. She just kept saying, "This is so cool" and "This was so sweet of them" and "I can not believe that they brought all of these to me!". We are blessed to know such kind people. The clothes look as though they have hardly ever been worn. It is so neat. Allie loves clothes! I look forward to the day when she and I can take off and go shopping together. She even went through all of these clothes and made different little outfits with all the clothes. She would put pieces together that looked good and some that did not! It was so cute. She is wearing one of her favorites right now. She is wearing some stretch pants and a blue furry sweater. The sweater is soooo incredibly soft. She looks comfortable! She wants to make Christine a thank you card in a little while. I told her that we would definitely make a thank you card!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Kind Hearted Allie

Allie goes to a babysitter (Miss Jill's) 3-4 times a week. She LOVES to go over to Miss Jill's because she has a blast. Jill teaches Allie and the others many cool things and also does many cool crafts with them. Allie is constantly bringing things home that she has created and they are the most darling things. Jill also keeps 2 other 4 year old girls and then also has a 4 year old son, Jacob, herself. So, all day long these four 4-year olds play and have the best time in the world. They have all become so close and love one another so much. Well, poor Jacob (being the only little boy) has it rough. Allie comes to me the other day with stickers, one of her movies and wrapping paper. She then asks me if I will help her wrap these presents for Jacob. I ask her why and she tells me that it is his birthday (which, I know that it is not because his birthday is in June). So, I tell Allie that it is not his birthday. She then tells me that she wants to give him a present. Well, I thought that was just so kind of her. I like to know that I have a very giving little girl. So, I sat down with her and helped her wrap the small gifts that she brought to me. She then requested that we find a bag to put all these presents in...and it could not be just any bag. She requested one of the pretty bags that you normally put a gift in if you are not going to wrap it. So, we drug out all of our bags and she picked one. She just so happen to pick one that had a little boy and girl on the front of it...the little boy was giving the little girl a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Oh Mommy, that is the one!" So, we put all the gifts in this gift bag. She had also gone to the store with her Nana earlier that day and she had gotten a helium Mickey Mouse balloon. She wanted me to tie the balloon string to the bag so that she could also give Jacob her balloon. I then talked with her about giving her stuff away and asked her if she was sure that she wanted to give her stuff away. She said that she really did want Jacob to have it. Well, we sat this by the door so that she would not forget it the next morning when her daddy took her to Jill's for the day. A little while later Allie said to me, "Mommy, Jacob said that he was going to be married to Alivia (one of the other little girls)". I said, "Oh really?" She then looked at me and said, "Yes, but I think that he is going to change his mind and marry me (she said this last part with a developing grin on her face)". I was shocked. My little four year old was trying to win over the heart of another four year old with My Little Pony stickers and an old movie of hers! It all made sense at this point. No wonder she wanted to go the next day bearing gifts! She was trying to win Jacob's heart back! OMG! I could not believe what I was thinking and hearing and seeing... I then talked with her for a while (the best I could) and let her know that it would be many, many years before she really had to worry about being married. It was too cute. I then asked her if she still wanted to give Jacob his gifts, and she did. Well, Kevin came home from work and saw the gifts and wondered what they were all for. I then explained all of this to Kevin, which is your typical dad that wants to be protective of her regardless. He could not believe it either. When Allie went to sleep that night Kevin snuck in the living room and hid the gift in Allie's playroom..he did not want Allie giving a little boy a gift...typical dad. I told him that Allie would not forget about it...she would remember it as she was walking out the door. Well, the next morning Kevin had to get Allie up early and get her to Jill's by 6:30. Allie was half asleep as she walked out the door and she did not think of the gift. Well, it hit her yesterday and she ran in her playroom to see if it was in there. When she found it she immediately brought it back out to the living room and put it near her bag that she takes each day to Jill's house. She was bound and determined NOT to forget the bag on her next trip to Jill's. Well, when I left the house this morning, Kevin had already left for work and Allie was still in the bed. Kevin's mother was going to be taking Allie to Jill's this morning before she went to work. I am wondering if Allie did take the gift to Jacob this morning...I guess that I will see when I get home this afternoon! I think that this is mostly a mixture of Allie having a kind heart and also just a token of her friendship...at least that is what I am going to make myself believe!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Over the mountain and through the sleet to Nana B's we go...

Allie went to stay with her Nana B and her Poppy Saturday night. It is always so hard to let her go away from me to stay that far away. But, it is a relief to know that she is in good hands. She always has such a good time when she goes to stay with them. She also loves going to church with them on Sunday. She just loves to go to church anyway, whether it is with us or with my mom and dad. She enjoys Sunday School as well as all of the singing that goes on in church. She has gotten up in front of the church and sang previously. She loves to sing "Jesus Loves Me" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children". Sometimes, she makes up her own words throughout the songs when she can not remember them..but hey, at least she does not stop singing! She is my sweetie!
I almost did not let Allie go to my mom and dad's yesterday. When we woke up and got ourselves ready, we walked outside to find sleet coming down like crazy! I turned to Allie and told her that I did not think that we could go just yet because I did not know what the weather was going to do. Well, she did not like that very much. She had her hopes up SO high to get to go to my mom and dad's, she was very let down. So, I said, well, we will try it. I also told her that if it was too bad we would turn around and come back home. She did not understand that it was very dangerous and what the consequences of us going out in bad weather. I tried explaining it to her the best I could without telling her we could get out in this and get ourselves killed! So, once I explained it to her she understood BUT still wanted to try it. AAHH!! So, we did. Well, obviously, we made it and I made it back home...safely!
When I met my mom at Dollar General, we decided to go in for a few minutes. Well, normally I make Allie ride in a buggy no matter where we are. Okay, so if you have ever gotten a buggy at Dollar General you know that their buggies are teeny tiny...well, Allie has outgrown them so she had to walk around the store. It was so funny to watch her because she immediately started doing some of her very own shopping. She wanted this...and this...and that...and this...and all of these things were flying right into our buggy. OMG! She and I had a talk about what she was doing and all of things that she was thinking about purchasing. Needless to say, she did not make it out of the store with all of the items that she thought she would be getting. She got an elephant that makes elephant noises, a coloring book, a pen, and some sunglasses.
Kevin and I were talking last night about how fast our sweet Allie is growing up. It is scary to know that the last four and a half years have truly flown by...I can only imagine how fast the next four and a half will fly by as well. I'm telling you...capture EVERY moment you can whether it is with a camera or in writing..don't let ANY moment go by unnoticed.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Awesome God

Okay, so, Allie has been in the singing mood tonight. She has gone through the house singing all kinds of different songs. The one song that I continuously heard her singing was "Awesome God". She loves that song. The other song that she would sing repeatedly was "I can only imagine". It is so darn cute because she puts so much emotion into her singing. I hope that she can grow up and be a singer. The cool thing is that she LOVES to sit and watch American Idol with me each week. We both look forward to watching Idol so that we can hear all the different singers. She likes to decide whether or not she thinks that they are good or not.
Allie is going to spend the night with her Nana B tomorrow. She was sooo excited tonight about going. She begged me to pack her stuff tonight so that it would be ready first thing in the morning. She sure loves her Nana B and Poppy! Today was her Poppy's birthday (my dad) and so she called him tonight to sing him Happy Birthday. She can not wait to see him tomorrow to wish him a Happy Birthday in person. I miss her like CRAZY when she goes to stay the night with my mom and dad, but, I am glad that she likes to go. It is great that she gets excited about going.

Thursday, February 16, 2006



Thursday, February 17th, 2006 - Allie Introduction

Alexandria or "Allie" is my wonderful, beautiful 4 year old that I love so dearly. Each and every day she says and does so many wonderful things...I wish that from day one I had been keeping a daily journal about all of the things that she does. Anyone reading this that plans to have kids of their own...I strongly urge you to keep some kind of journal...even if you just jot down one sentence a day..DO IT! It will so be worth it! I regret all the things that I did not do as Allie was growing over the last four and a half years!

Allie was born on August 22, 2001. Since that day, my life has been nothing but joyous and fun. Of course, there are days when I think, "Do I really know what I am doing?"...but you learn. I have learned so very much from my own daughter over the last four years. It is great. Children are the closest thing to Heaven on Earth!

Okay, so my intention of keeping this blog is to keep up with some of the wonderful things that Allie says and does from day to day. I would also like to share many of the things that she says and does with all the others that love her too. She has many friends and family members, many of which she does not get to see on a regular basis. To all of you that she loves and misses...this is for you!

I will do my honest to goodness best to keep this updated from day to day. It will be a lot of fun to share these moments and memories with you.