Tuesday, February 28, 2006

And I should tell Allie this, how???

Okay, so yesterday I was ready to be a soccer mom...ready to get Allie into all that I possibly could...and really, I still am. But...when I got to the recreation center yesterday I found out that in order for me to sign Allie up for soccer or tee ball, she has to turn 5 BEFORE August 1st...she will be 5 on August 22nd. What a disappointment. One of Allie's good friends that she stays with at Jill's tried to sign up as well...and her birthday is August 2nd. Madison will be 5 on August 2nd. So, Allie and Madison are going to have to wait until the fall to play. It was sad. All the way home yesterday I wondered to myself, "How in the world am I suppose to break this news to her?" She had her mind set on playing soccer and being on the same team as Jacob and Alivia. Now, I had to break it to her that she was not going to be able to play. When I got home she was in a really good mood. She then broke the news to me by saying, "Mommy I can not be on the soccer team because I am not old enough yet." That broke my heart...she was taking it so good but yet I could sense the disappointment in her voice. I think that it made it much easier for her to know that Madison was in the same boat. Bless her heart. I am glad that she took it well.
Lori made a good point this morning. She said that we should make Madison and Allie some cheerleading outfits so that they can go and be cheerleaders for Jacob and Alivia. That would just be too darn cute. I can see exactly what Allie would do...she would be right in the middle of a cheer and see the ball coming her way...she would wander right out on the field and begin playing with them. Ha. But, hey, the cheerleading outfits would be a good cover!
Just kidding...Thanks for the suggestion Lori! Lora and I will have to get Madison and Allie some uniforms so that they can cheer them on! It will be fun.


Blogger Flo said...

Hey! I can make pompoms out of yarn (thank you, Dr. Spilker!)! What colors! How fun!!!! We'll have to teach her not to go out into the game though! That might be a little hard for her to understand!

4:33 PM  

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