Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's been a long time...

Okay, so I know that I have been slacking on Allie's site and I so apologize for that. She truly does mean the world to me and the neglect to her site is no reflecton to any neglect here at home...PROMISE!!!
She is actually staying with my mom in Georgia this week to attend Vacation Bible School at my mom and dad's church. She has been so very excited about this week. She truly does love to attend Bible School which is awesome. She also looks forward to every Sunday because she gets to go to Sunday School. It is a great thing!
In the recent past, I have enrolled her and screened her for Kindergarten. Yes folks my darling, Allie, is going to Kindergarten. She is so excited about this as well. I am excited for her because she is going to be at the same school that I am teaching at. Yay! She is already one smart cookie and I just know that she is going to love school. I just can not beleive that it is already time for her to start school. It just seems like yesterday I was going to the hospital to have this wonderful child! Where have the last five years gone?
Okay, well, I will update you more later on things that are happening or have been happening with Allie.
Until Then...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Where did it all go?

Okay, so I know that I have been a total slacker with Allie's blog. Sorry. She really is the most important to me...sorry to be a slacker. There is also a lot that has gone on with Allie in the last month...Shall I show you pictures?

So, here is the new hairstyle that Allie has! Wow! Where did all her hair go? Right? Well, here it is the start of a very hot summer...one in which I intend to play, play, play all summer with this wonderful little girl. This will be my first summer off in a long time! So, I intend to be outside playing, swimming, make trips to the park, swinging on the swingset in our yard, tubing at Deep Creek, ...lots of fun stuff. Anyone willing to join us is more than invited! So, we got this new haircut to save any fussing and crying that may occur with long hair and tangles. I have had experience with that already and it will just be much easier to manage and deal with...and beside that...it is soooooo stinkin' cute! She makes this hairstyle gorgeous! She loves it...but has decided that "tomorrow she wants her hair to be like Rapunzel". I said, okay darling...good luck with that! I have let her know that she can let her hair get long from here on if that is what she really wants. I think that she likes it short...I like it long and short...but we were merely thinking of the summertime and the tangles when her hair appointment came. Here is the backview of the hairstyle:

Too cute!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Monday April 10th, 2006 - Spring Break Day 1

Okay, so this week is my spring break...yippee! Allie and I have lots of fun things planned. So today she was going to help me clean the house, run some errands and then go on a picnic at the park and play. Well, we scratched the part about cleaning house and we did our errands and then had our picnic at the Cullowhee Park and played. She had lots of fun. She met a little boy that was 3 years old. His name is Jamison. He was so sweet. He followed Allie everywhere that she went and did everything that she did. It was so darn cute. She could not understand why he was copying everything that she did. His daddy told Allie that he was copying her because she was a fun person to copy...she liked that. They played and hated to part from one another because they enjoyed playing together. It was a beautiful day....and of course it went by way too quick. We came home from the park and started dinner....THEN I cleaned the house. Tomorrow's agenda has not yet been planned....I just enjoy knowing that I don't have anything to do except hang out with Allie and play, play, play! Here are some pictures from the park yesterday.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Okay, so today I want to write about how special my relationship is with Allie. I LOVE that little girl so much! She is my world! I can not imagine life without her. She is so darn cute! Sorry, I am a little bit bias. Yesterday when I got home from school she was so excited to see me. She always greets me at the door or she is hiding somewhere in the house for me to find her. The cute thing about her hiding is that she can not wait for you to find her. She usually gives you, oh, about 10 seconds before jumping out and saying, "Here I am!". But, yesterday, she met me at the door. She was in the middle of playing dress up with all of her princess dress up clothing. She loves to play dress up.
Allie is such a little lady. Yes, there are times when she is definitely a four year old child...but most of the time she is a little lady and a great friend. She always knows what to say to make me feel better when things are not quite right. She is such a little angel. She loves to be my little helper all the time. I promised her today that she and I would make a little trip to Wal-Mart when I got home from school to get the Chicken Little movie. She loves that movie. She and I (and Lori in a sense) went to see this movie when it was at the theater. Allie laughed and giggled all the way through it. She has been so excited about it coming out to buy...so today she and I will go and make the purchase. Yay!
I love that gal! She is the sunshine of my life today...and forever!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Top Movies in 2001

Okay, so I tagged Allie as well about the top movies the year that "she was born" rather than the year that she graduated..because hello...has not happened yet and I don't even want to begin thinking about that! Yikes.

Top movies of 2001:

  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
  • Shrek
  • Monster's Inc
  • Legally Blonde
  • Summer Catch
  • Dr. Dolittle
  • Snow Dogs
  • Hardball
  • Joe Dirt
  • Kate and Leopold
  • Jeepers Creepers
  • Someone Like You
  • Joy Ride
  • The Fast and the Furious
  • Rat Race
  • The Princess Diaries
  • Save the Last Dance
  • Serendipity

Great movies for a great year!

Most popular songs the year Allie graduated...yeah right!

Okay, so Allie is not even close to graduation because she has not even started to school! But, I still want to include her in this cool tag. So, I chose to look at the top 100 songs from the year that she was born: 2001.

  • I Could Not Ask For More - Sara Evans
  • I'm Already There - Lonestar
  • But For the Grace of God - Keith Urban
  • Stuck in a Moment - U2
  • There You'll Be - Faith Hill
  • Thank You for Loving Me - Bon Jovi
  • I Hope You Dance - Lee Ann Womack
  • I'm Like a Bird - Nelly Furtado
  • Thank You - Dido

Wow...seems like just last year I was hearing these songs all over the radio! Yikes...and my baby is almost 5!

Our Saturday Out

Allie and I decided yesterday that we would get up today and go out to have breakfast together. It is really cool to be able to plan fun things with my daughter. It is even cooler that she is able to give me input as to where we should go and what we should do. It has always been great to have her to be my side kick as I go out and shop, but now she is at an age where she can actually have input as to where we go and what we do..and it all make sense!
Anyway, we got up and by the time that we got ready it was 11:30. Well, at that point most places had stopped serving breakfast so we went to the infamous Huddle House where they serve her favorite..biscuits and gravy. She enjoyed herself and I enjoyed it because she enjoyed it. She was so excited that we were able to get up and go out together. She is so use to me getting up and going to work...it is nice to have two out of seven mornings where I get to wake up and hang out with her. Lots of fun.
She and I did a little bit of local shopping today. She is a great little helper. She helped me to get groceries today. Always a good little helper. I have been blessed with a sweet little helper!
A couple of Saturdays ago, she and I took off and went to the Asheville Mall. We had a blast! We were not going for any reason other than to get away from Sylva for the day. We went to the bookstore and spent soooo much time. She spent a lot of time picking out some really cool books that she was able to come home with. While we were in the bookstore, she was able to look out their glass walls and see the fun ride that they have in the middle of the mall (they strap you in and you start out jumping on a trampoline...when they cut the machine on it helps you to jump...really high!). Well, she was nonetheless mesmerized by this cool ride. She did not beg and plead to ride it, she just (very pleasantly) let it be known that it was cool and she would love to "one day" be able to ride it. I knew at this point that we had to go down and check it out. Lo and behold you only had to be 25 pounds to ride it...and she is 45...so she was able to ride it. She loved it. I got some really cool pictures of her on my phone..it was great. I now know that it will be a tradition for her to ride this each time I go to the mall. We enjoyed a few other cool stores in the mall, enjoyed an ice cream cone, and unfortunately witnessed a guy getting malled by the police for shoplifting. It was at this point that she and I discussed what it means to steal and the trouble (obviously) that you can and will get in to! We left the mall and went to Target for a while. We had loads of fun. We rolled back in to the town on Sylva, oh, about 10. It was great. I intend to have another one of those dates with my daughter very soon! She is a lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

And I should tell Allie this, how???

Okay, so yesterday I was ready to be a soccer mom...ready to get Allie into all that I possibly could...and really, I still am. But...when I got to the recreation center yesterday I found out that in order for me to sign Allie up for soccer or tee ball, she has to turn 5 BEFORE August 1st...she will be 5 on August 22nd. What a disappointment. One of Allie's good friends that she stays with at Jill's tried to sign up as well...and her birthday is August 2nd. Madison will be 5 on August 2nd. So, Allie and Madison are going to have to wait until the fall to play. It was sad. All the way home yesterday I wondered to myself, "How in the world am I suppose to break this news to her?" She had her mind set on playing soccer and being on the same team as Jacob and Alivia. Now, I had to break it to her that she was not going to be able to play. When I got home she was in a really good mood. She then broke the news to me by saying, "Mommy I can not be on the soccer team because I am not old enough yet." That broke my heart...she was taking it so good but yet I could sense the disappointment in her voice. I think that it made it much easier for her to know that Madison was in the same boat. Bless her heart. I am glad that she took it well.
Lori made a good point this morning. She said that we should make Madison and Allie some cheerleading outfits so that they can go and be cheerleaders for Jacob and Alivia. That would just be too darn cute. I can see exactly what Allie would do...she would be right in the middle of a cheer and see the ball coming her way...she would wander right out on the field and begin playing with them. Ha. But, hey, the cheerleading outfits would be a good cover!
Just kidding...Thanks for the suggestion Lori! Lora and I will have to get Madison and Allie some uniforms so that they can cheer them on! It will be fun.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Soccer Mom Already?

Okay, so for the last two weeks Allie has been saying the following to me, "Mommy, will you please go and sign me up for the soccer team?". Well, I just thought that this was something fun that she and her playmates were talking about at Miss Jill's so I played it off as if I would sign her up. Well, just last week (Thursday) when I was picking Allie up from Jill's, Allie asked me if I had gone to sign her up yet. I replied to Allie that I had not signed her up yet because it was not time for soccer. Well, lo and behold, I was wrong. Jill spoke up and told me that she had signed Jacob up and Heather had signed Alivia up. How exciting! I then told Allie that I would go and sign her up. She has been so very excited. But, my question is, can this really be happening already? Was it not just day before yesterday that I was pregnant with this child??? Oh my goodness...she is already starting to play sports...and do that whole growing up thing. Don't know what I am going to do...well, besides haul myself to the recreation center after school today and get her signed up! It will be so exciting. I hope that she gets to play on the same team as Jacob and Alivia. I think that she will be heartbroken if she is not on their team. I hope that will not discourage her in playing if she is not on their team. Although, I must say that Allie makes friends with just about any other kid so I know that she would do just fine. Anyway, I just can not believe that it is already that time for me to be thinking about signing her up for sports. I am VERY excited and hope that she plays many different sports. I don't care if I am running her around daily...I want her to be active, having fun, and off the couch! Not that she is "home and on the couch" now, I just don't want that to be a habit she starts. Okay, well, I guess that I will go and sign her up today! Yay!